Wednesday, December 17, 2008

To live is Christ...

Some while ago, as I was waking up, the Lord brought to mind Paul's words, "To live is Christ, to die is gain." I had always understood that to mean that it is gain when we die physically (thus entering the "next dimension"). But now...I wonder. I asked the Lord, could the meaning be when we "die", i.e., experiencing death to something needing to go in my life now. Is such a dying, "gain"?
It is something to ponder...

1 comment:

Eulene said...

It would seem to me that the context of this statement does indicate physical death - which would be gain for the believer. However, as in many Biblical statements, there may be more than one application. For the believer to "die to self" would certainly be gain on the spiritual level. Thanks for the thought.